Friday, January 16, 2009


About 2 months ago, myself and 3 other nurses I work with started a playgroup. We meet once a week at one another's homes. Let me just tell you, it is the highlight of this mommy's week! I love being at home with my son, but being stuck in the house with little adult interaction can be a tad isolating, especially in the winter. Our children range from ages 17months-4.5years. There is a buddy of equivalent age for everyone.

It is so exciting to see these little ones becoming friends with one another! They are hilarious! Jack, being a only child, was not quite sure what to think of all this in the beginning. But, now he just jumps right in. The older ones, Zayda and Corbin, say the most out of the blue hysterical things. My favorite quote from yesterdays playdate was from Zayda: "It almost time for me to lose a tooth." Amanda: "Do you have a loose tooth?" Zayda: "No, but I'll be 5 soon and then I'll be 6." Amanda: "Is 6 when you lose your teeth?" Zayda: "Yea."

The real secret behind playdate is the mommy time. That's right, grown women with children actually get to spend time together and talk about anything and everything. All you parents know just how exciting that is. These 3 other moms have become some of my closest friends. They reassure and support my parenting woes, and give me the release we all need. So, thanks to the wonderful friends that I have found through my little sweetheart, Jack. If I could only find a way to justify bringing wine to playdate.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Jack's Orthopedic Appointment

For all of you who have ever seen Jack walk, you have probably noticed that he is very bow-legged. At his 12 and 15month appointment, his pediatrician assured me that this was normal and he would grow out of it by the time he was 4 years old. However, being the obsessed/worried mom that I am, I have continued to think about it. In fact, I thought that it was getting worse and his feet were also beginning to go inward.

With the suggestion of my good friend Erin, I took him to see a pediatric orthopedist yesterday. Apparently, Jack has tibial torsion and intoeing. This means he is not bow-legged. His calves and feet are just turned inward due to his positioning during pregnancy. As Jon put it, it's my fault. Ha, ha, ha. Anyway, he reassured me that there would be significant improvement by the time Jack is 3-4 years old, and it should be almost completely resolved by the time he is 8-10 years old. They also did a x-ray of his hips, and all is well.

By the way, Jack was very cooperative with the whole exam. Thanks to Erin for the suggestion. This mom has one less thing to worry about.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome to Our Blog

Happy New Year! This is my attempt at updating all our family and friends of the Gill Family happenings from day-to-day. I am hopeful that I will be motivated enough to update our blog at least 1-2 times a week.

Well, the holidays are over, and our lives are returning to normal. At least, our normal. While we had a wonderful Christmas, I was very glad to put all the decorations away and get back to our routine. Jack really loved the decorations, but I am sure he is glad to be done spending time in time-out due to getting into the tree ornaments, etc.

Jack is into all kinds of things currently. One of his favorite pasttimes is getting into Mommy's underwear drawer. He then layers his head with as many pairs as possible. Jon thinks this is a sign that he will be a professional pantyraider in his college years. I'm not so sure. Well, off to cook dinner. Enjoy the picks.